Getting Started
Proyecto Laguna is getting started as is the new school year in Nicaragua. School starts on January 29th and there will be approximately 750 students in the two schools we are currently working with.
We have been meeting with the headmasters and the mayor’s office to get things off the ground and are meeting with all the teachers next week to introduce them to our project.
It is an exciting time for us and we are getting off to a good start. We have just hired a school nurse to work part time, and are gathering school supplies for the start of the school year; notebooks, pencils, etc.
Next week, Rodney Robeson and his family are coming to Diria and are going to install 15 wall mounted pencil sharpeners in the schools. This is going to help a lot as most of the children can not afford to buy pencil sharpeners and are often out of class trying to find a student or teacher who has one they can use. Rodney and his family are also bringing 2,000 pencils to help stock the schools for the new school year.
Thank you all for your support in this endeavor. We look forward to helping the people in the community of Diria gain the skills to improve their own lives.
School Nurse
We have hired a school nurse to work two days a week, one day at each of the schools we are currently serving. Dina Morales Alemán is a licensed nurse who studied at the Polytechnic University of Nicaragua. Dina grew up, and currently lives, in Diria and will be working at the elementary school she went to as a child, Ruiz Castillo.
We are currently only able to hire Dina part time. We hope that in the future we will be able to raise enough money to offer her a full time job. Salary for a fulltime nurse is $200 a month. When we are able to hire her fulltime we will also be able to provide medical services in more schools.
We are currently in the process of acquiring all the supplies that will be needed by Dina. We need everything; gauze, alcohol, a scale, a stethoscope, parasite medication, the list goes on and on. If anyone is able to assist us financially or materially with these supplies it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you to all of the people who have made donations to Proyecto Laguna. Your donation makes a difference in the lives of many.
To contact us with any questions of comments send an e-mail to info@proyectolaguna.com
To make a donation, go to our website and click on the donate link www.proyectolaguna.com
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