Sunday, August 31, 2008

Preschool Building at Anne Frank Inaugurated

We have finished the remodel of the preschool building at the Anne Frank School. We were able to replace the rotting roof beams with longer lasting metal beams, replace the tin roof, amplify the windows, replace the doors, and build an attached office for the school directors with a storage area in the back. A group of students from the University of Washington visited last month and painted the newly remodeled building and also painted murals all over the school.

Last week the school had an inauguration party for the new school building. The children performed traditional dances and had a piƱata. The parents of the kindergarteners presented Tracy Finch, founder of Proyecto Laguna, and Jennifer Schwinn, Community Development Director, with baskets of fruit to show their appreciation.

1 comment:

Phyllis Johnson said...

You may want to find a copy of my poetic interpretation of Anne's diary- Being Frank with Anne. It is available at and at
It is archived at the Anne Frank House per the CEO in Amsterdam. It was also given a thumbs up by Buddy Elias.
Phyllis Johnson, author of BEING FRANK WITH ANNE (cara is a pen name)